List of Best Practices


Indonesia: Multimedia Tools for Public Education and Campaign

24 June 2010
Posted by
Yoon So-yeong
The KPK has been carrying out various anti-corruption education and campaign programs, using a rich variety of multimedia tools. The Commission developed anti-corruption modules tailored to elementary, junior and senior high school students of each grade, and guideline modules for teachers.

The KPK has been carrying out various tailored education programs, including the development of anti-corruption modules for schools, and anti-corruption campaigns, using a rich variety of multimedia tools.

In 2008, the KPK developed anti-corruption modules tailored to elementary, junior and senior high school students of each grade, and guideline modules for teachers. In cooperation with DANIDA (Danish International Development Agency), it conducted the Training for Trainers program for teachers in 11 cities of Indonesia between July and December 2008.

As a method to teach the values of honesty and integrity, the KPK seeks to disseminate the concept of an ¡±Honesty Shop¡± (shops with no attendants) and the ¡±Most Laudable Student¡± concept to junior and senior high school students. It also recruits anti-corruption cadres by conducting Train the Trainers courses for college students.

Indonesia: Multimedia Tools for Public Education and CampaignIndonesia: Multimedia Tools for Public Education and CampaignIndonesia: Multimedia Tools for Public Education and Campaign

The KPK provides anti-corruption training programs, seminars, and workshops for students, businesses, and non-government organizations as well as public organizations in various regions. In a bid to encourage the private sectors to be more active in corruption eradication in Indonesia, the KPK organized business ethics workshops and produced guidelines for managing business ethics in the private sector in CD format.

The KPK uses various campaign tools to disseminate a culture of integrity such as posters, stickers, pins, board games, wrist bands, anti-corruption pocket books, banners, shirts, fable/fairy tale books, etc. It distributes campaign materials with the assistance of college students on the occasion of commemorative evens such as 100 years of National Revival, Independence Day on 17 August 2008, and the Ramadhan fasting month.

In order to strengthen networks with university students, the KPK has established discussion groups with regionally based college executive board alliances with the agenda: ¡°society¡¯s contribution and the role of university students in corruption eradication.¡± It continues to conduct focus group discussions (FGD) with university students.

In 2008, the KPK ran the Mall to Mall campaign program in some large city malls in Mataram, Yogyakarta and Makassar, for the purpose of raising awareness and educating the public about the potential risks of corruption. Activities included a KPK booth for school students and live talkshows on radio and local TV.

Indonesia: Multimedia Tools for Public Education and CampaignIndonesia: Multimedia Tools for Public Education and CampaignIndonesia: Multimedia Tools for Public Education and Campaign

The KPK also provides support for anti-corruption campaigns organized by citizens and students, including an Anti-Corruption Music Festival, which involved 16 student bands in Yogyakarta, and an Anti-Corruption Declaration on 9 December 2008. This declaration was organized by the students from Kar tini School for Poor Children and Gigi and Slank bands, and was attended by Governors from a number of provinces in Indonesia. The KPK uses Public Education Vehicles to conduct campaigns in various cities.

The KPK uses television and radio programs to spread anti-corruption campaigns to the wider public in the form of talkshows, fragments, and public announcements on some television networks and radio shows on both a local and national level. In 2008, the KPK ran a series of public announcements on anti-corruption on Airport TV and KATV. It also runs an ad in magazines, tabloids and newspapers.

The KPK conducts various PR activities in an attempt to instill in the public a sense of trust and confidence in the KPK, including anticorruption seminars for journalists and publication of the bimonthly in-house Warta AntiKorupsi magazine.


The major part of information above was cited from the KPK's Annual Report 2008 with approval from the KPK.
Last updated on 3 June 2010.


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